Automatic micro batching system

If your standard recipe has larger number of small weight components relatively to the batch, you need automatic micro batching system. Made from stainless steel micro batchers (including hoppers) are suitable for materials with high and low density, for abrasive, viscose, sticky, dirty, as well as for electrostatic, explosive, volatile and flammable materials. Every material gets specific screw conveyor with screw blade of special form, most suitable for that material. Integrated ripper provides steady flow of the material. Micro batchers could be supplied with any modification of adjustable material flow: from 3 to 150 l/h; from 10 to 1000 l/h; from 40 to 6000 l/h. Batching accuracy depends on required batching limits. Automatic micro batching system is fully integrated into the system MATAS EL12.
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